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Jumat, 03 Agustus 2018

Arkansas sends Walker scrambling for book that tells you what words mean

No fair. Suppose he was busy with his important jurisdictional work.
 Jun 24
More ice cream at breakfast on the farm in Marinette County. Mmmm.
So no doubt the Governor of Wisconsin, The Subsidy State is thumbing through his Webster's to figure out when he's got a lot on his plate what the heck Arkansas folks are talking about when they throw around five-and-six syllable words like "fiduciary responsibility."
Arkansas official says his state can't match Wisconsin's $100M tax incentive package for Kimberly-Clark
Mike Preston, director of the Arkansas Economic Development Commission, said Thursday he remains intent on keeping about 350 jobs in a plant there, but signaled he expects to lose a bidding war with Wisconsin given the proposed incentive package's "unprecedented" scope... 
"The Wisconsin package is setting a new bar for retention that is unprecedented in economic development for already-existing jobs. We want to keep the 350 jobs but have a fiduciary responsibility to three million taxpayers.” 
Maybe Arkansas takes its state motto "The People Rule" as seriously as the new ones Walker just might be considering for Fitzwalkerstan: 

'You get a subsidy, you get a subsidy, you get a subsidy,' or 'You're in a Wisconned state of mind.'

Side note: the afore-mentioned Mike Preston might want to Google "Foxconn Fever" and put the Kimberly-Clark subsidy Walker is pushing into its relatively-small potatoes pot.

Despite have his hands full.

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