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Senin, 06 Agustus 2018

GOP contortions for K-C are rewind of famous Cathy Stepp rant

Karma, the Google and my blog index (Day four of Walker's first term) help inform this Irony Alert.

The GOP-run Wisconsin Legislature's internal maneuvering and gyrations with and for Kimberly-Clark company to shove millions of dollars in subsidies its way
reminds me of a bitterly-complaining, loudly-(ALL CAPS)-yelling passage from
former State Senator and eventual Walker-DNR-Secretary-appointee Cathy Stepp's raging, finger-pointing blog post she wrote before she got the DNR  position.
Wisconsin DNR Secretary Cathy Stepp proudly shows off her first deer, taken opening weekend last year. In the upcoming TV Special "Deer Hunt Wisconsin 2012, Stepp urges male hunters to take more girls and women hunting. "The secret's out," she says. "Hunting is a lot of fun, so don't keep it to yourselves."  photo courtesy of Wisconsin DNR
Stepp with her first deer kill. DNR photo.
What had made Stepp's blood boil were partisan rule-and-process-changes she alleged that "democrats [sic]" had routinely made when it suited them.

The whole post is worth a read and a permanent bookmark as Republicans work hard to goose things along on K-C's behalf, regardless of Stepp's earlier complaints about special favors, fine print and other people's hypocrisy:

It's always the fine print in these things that have the heaviest hit. 
Just another example of the democrats game plan: Change the Rules to Fit the Players.
Shout it with me, now: HYPOCRISY, THY NAME IS DEMOCRAT.

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