Wisconsin has had enough trouble fixing the roads in a fiscally-sustainable way under Scott Walker and his merry band of road builder-obeisant legislators without media forcing readers to weave around who's responsible for the detours.
Case in point.
When I saw this Journal Sentinel story and headline Thursday - -
pothole Scotthole repairs.

Walker has been so deep mixing and stirring the fiscal mess that has created the nation's second-worst-rated-roads that he and former BFF Assembly GOP Speaker Robin Vos nearly had to have mom and dad take their cell phones away because they were being such bad boys playing the road-mess-blame-game online.
A game to which State of Wisconsin Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Evers was not invited.
So let's not start equating newly-minted gubernatorial candidate Evers with Walker and his buddies who have been in charge of roads and WisDOT budgets since 2011.
Plus: Here is one summary post about some of Walker's lesser-known history which I've written about on my blog over the years that makes the Journal Sentinel look ridiculous for conflating Walker's responsibilities with those unfairly assigned to Tony Evers' who was only nominated the Democratic gubernatorial candidate on Tuesday:
MONDAY, JUNE 22, 2015
Case in point.
When I saw this Journal Sentinel story and headline Thursday - -
Scott Walker, Tony Evers aren't spelling out their plans for Wisconsin roads
When it comes to roads, GOP Gov. Scott Walker and Democratic challenger Tony Evers are keeping their plans to themselves.- - I posted it on Facebook, commenting while irked:
Of course, one [Walker] is the nearly-eight year incumbent whose party has controlled the Legislature and WisDOT budget since 2011, and one [Evers] is a challenger nominated just three days ago, but go on with this irrelevant equivalence.So let me point out for the record, again, that since 2003, Scott Walker has been promoting unrestrained spending on expensive new 'free'way lanes in Southeastern Wisconsin - - a pattern of fiscal irresponsibility which to this day, (Foxconn) dominates highway spending statewide and is responsible for both hundreds of millions of dollars in annual borrowings for added lanes and wider ramps and gaudier interchanges as well as related shortfalls producing starved transit and neglected

Walker has been so deep mixing and stirring the fiscal mess that has created the nation's second-worst-rated-roads that he and former BFF Assembly GOP Speaker Robin Vos nearly had to have mom and dad take their cell phones away because they were being such bad boys playing the road-mess-blame-game online.
A game to which State of Wisconsin Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Evers was not invited.
So let's not start equating newly-minted gubernatorial candidate Evers with Walker and his buddies who have been in charge of roads and WisDOT budgets since 2011.
Plus: Here is one summary post about some of Walker's lesser-known history which I've written about on my blog over the years that makes the Journal Sentinel look ridiculous for conflating Walker's responsibilities with those unfairly assigned to Tony Evers' who was only nominated the Democratic gubernatorial candidate on Tuesday:
MONDAY, JUNE 22, 2015
Walker motion in 2003 tripped off SE highway overspending
[Updated, 6/22] Out state Republican legislators still griping about out-of-control highway spending in Southeastern Wisconsin - - check the record in this item reposted from last week:
Walker led the charge for unsustainable overspending on highways in SE WI that you now don't like.
The Wisconsin Legislature is grappling with a state highway budget unsustainably bloated by reckless borrowing and overspending on the so-called SE 'free'way system - - a problem that has helped stall the entire state budget process while preposterous presidential hopeful Scott Walker keeps skipping out to campaign from Iowa to New Hampshire and beyond.
So it's important to remember that Walker - - as Milwaukee County Executive - - played a key role in 2003 on a SE regional planning commission advisory committee which voted, without a companion financing plan, to recommend to state highway planners that Wisconsin add to the SE 'freeway' system the maximum number of new lanes among the alternatives considered - - 127 miles of lanes instead of 108 - - in what ultimately became a $6.4 billion package.
Walker's motion added an estimated $750 million to the ultimate price tag and also increased the number of structures and land removed from the tax base.
Though the price tag of the still-incomplete-and-still-unfunded Zoo Interchange has come down from its original projection, other segments of the seven-county system have not begun or may be delayed, further driving up their estimated costs - - all of which are in 2003 dollars.
The regional planning commission - - SEWRPC - - often turns major projects over to advisory committees - - and in this case, the full SEWRPC commission accepted the recommendation and forwarded it to WisDOT, which, in turn, accepted it as the unfolding blueprint for billions in SE WI highway work that continues to be underfunded.
[Update] Following the vote, The Milwaukee County Board passed a resolution opposing the expansion of the freeway system, per Walker's motion, and Walker vetoed it. Fifteen members of the Milwaukee Common Council, nearly its entire membership, sent SEWRPC a letter also opposing the costly expansion and noted Walker's resolution veto.
I attended the advisory committee meeting where Walker made his accepted motion for the full lanes' expansion that added 19 miles of construction cost, and I wrote about it for this blog in June, in 2009: at the highlighted link, begin on page 7 of the advisory committee's report for Walker's motion and comments in the minutes, with the final vote at the end of the committee report.
Also for the record: then-Milwaukee Mayor John Norquist, Milwaukee Common Council President Marvin Pratt and several others voted no. Call them the taxpayers' true friends, unlike Walker, then-Waukesha County Executive Daniel Finley and others, including private sector special interest representatives.
This are the key sentences from the meeting minutes with regard to motions and votes:
Walker led the charge for unsustainable overspending on highways in SE WI that you now don't like.
The Wisconsin Legislature is grappling with a state highway budget unsustainably bloated by reckless borrowing and overspending on the so-called SE 'free'way system - - a problem that has helped stall the entire state budget process while preposterous presidential hopeful Scott Walker keeps skipping out to campaign from Iowa to New Hampshire and beyond.
So it's important to remember that Walker - - as Milwaukee County Executive - - played a key role in 2003 on a SE regional planning commission advisory committee which voted, without a companion financing plan, to recommend to state highway planners that Wisconsin add to the SE 'freeway' system the maximum number of new lanes among the alternatives considered - - 127 miles of lanes instead of 108 - - in what ultimately became a $6.4 billion package.
Walker's motion added an estimated $750 million to the ultimate price tag and also increased the number of structures and land removed from the tax base.
Though the price tag of the still-incomplete-and-still-unfunded Zoo Interchange has come down from its original projection, other segments of the seven-county system have not begun or may be delayed, further driving up their estimated costs - - all of which are in 2003 dollars.
The regional planning commission - - SEWRPC - - often turns major projects over to advisory committees - - and in this case, the full SEWRPC commission accepted the recommendation and forwarded it to WisDOT, which, in turn, accepted it as the unfolding blueprint for billions in SE WI highway work that continues to be underfunded.
[Update] Following the vote, The Milwaukee County Board passed a resolution opposing the expansion of the freeway system, per Walker's motion, and Walker vetoed it. Fifteen members of the Milwaukee Common Council, nearly its entire membership, sent SEWRPC a letter also opposing the costly expansion and noted Walker's resolution veto.
I attended the advisory committee meeting where Walker made his accepted motion for the full lanes' expansion that added 19 miles of construction cost, and I wrote about it for this blog in June, in 2009: at the highlighted link, begin on page 7 of the advisory committee's report for Walker's motion and comments in the minutes, with the final vote at the end of the committee report.
Also for the record: then-Milwaukee Mayor John Norquist, Milwaukee Common Council President Marvin Pratt and several others voted no. Call them the taxpayers' true friends, unlike Walker, then-Waukesha County Executive Daniel Finley and others, including private sector special interest representatives.
This are the key sentences from the meeting minutes with regard to motions and votes:
Mr. Walker moved to amend the motion such that the final plan would include the provision of additional capacity on 127 miles of the regional freeway system – specifically, adding to the 108 mile recommendation the widening to eight lanes of IH 94 between the Marquette and Zoo Interchanges and of IH 43 between the Mitchell Interchange and Silver Spring Drive, as proposed in the preliminary recommended plan....Later:
Chairman Drew asked if there was any further discussion or possible amendments to the main motion. There being no further discussion or proposed amendments, Chairman Drew asked for a roll call vote on pages 14-19 of Chapter VII as amended to include the provision of additional capacity on 127 miles of the regional freeway system and to recommend that the WisDOT present to the State Legislature and Governor a financing plan before proceeding to the reconstruction of each freeway segment. On a vote of 15 ayes to 8 nays, pages 14-19 of Chapter VII as amended were approved. Messrs. Buestrin, Cook, Drew, Dwyer, Finley, Kehl, Melvin, Miller, Norem, Sheehy, Speaker, Walker, White, Wirth and Ms. Jacobson voting in favor of pages 14-19 of Chapter VII as amended. Messrs. Fafard, Holloway, Leonard, Millonzi, Norquist, Pratt and Ms. Estness and Ms. McCutcheon voted against pages 14-19 of Chapter VII as amended. Mr. Matzke abstained from the vote.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
From my 2009 blog item:
Remember when the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission spent $1 million of highway planning money to pencil in all this freeway reconstruction and expansion - - $6.4 billion dollars' worth - - but didn't include a financing recommendation to pay for it?
Not our job, the planners said.
But they sent on to WisDOT, which never met a highway plan it wouldn't share eagerly with their true constituents - - the road-builders - - a plan recommending building 127 miles of new lanes and all sorts of purported safety improvements, wider exits and other gee-whiz concrete amenities.
The SEWRPC advisory committee on this plan even overruled the SEWRPC staff and recommended adding 19 miles of new, controversial lanes in Milwaukee County and the City of Milwaukee, even though the additions forced the demolition of an additional eight businesses and 36 homes.
Tax base? Homes and businesses? All expendable. Collateral damage. Highways first, you know.
The prime mover in this extra dollop of multi-million dollar construction excess, and tax base demolition?
Milwaukee's County Exec and resident faux fiscal conservative - - Scott Walker. You can read his motion and argument in the meeting minutes, here.
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