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Kamis, 23 Agustus 2018

WI taxpayer-paid Foxconn spin site features Walker, omits news

The Foxconn news of the day is the company's retreat from its pledge to build a futuristic factory in Racine County, but you wouldn't know that if you rely on the Foxconn public relations website the state is not updating:

Wisconsin Wins $10 Billion Foxconn Investment

In 2017 Wisconsin's workforce and business climate went toe to toe with other states to compete for 13,000 new jobs and $10 billion of capital investment from Foxconn's new state-of-the-art advanced manufacturing campus.  Wisconsin won!  
(Here is one blog post covering the Foxconn story since the beginning.)

In fact, the latest information found through the "News" tab on the taxpayer-subsidized website is dated August 3rd, twenty days ago.

Through other tabs, you get shamelessly, publicly-financed promotion for Walker, like this page "Foxconn Bonus" - - a phrase you can see all over Walker's Twitter accounts - - which has his photo four times, including this giant shot. 


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