9 Things That Nobody Tells You!
But this means that sometimes there are no difficulties. Things do not always go the way we want.
In this Article, I will talk about some aspects of blogging which few people speak. My hope is that when this comes you are already prepared.
This blog is here to help.
What does it not tell you about blogging?
1. Developing a blog is not easy.
To develop a blog you really work on it. Sometimes this can happen relatively well, without too much difficulty. But once again it can take months and months to develop and grow his blog.
And it’s not just about traffic. From time traffic grows well, but develop a list of emails can be more difficult. We must do a lot of tests, and we can count some failures.
The last thing on the development of his blog is that it can be psychologically difficult. You must be prepared to spend lots of hours on it. (But hey when you love it does not count, they say).
How to start guest posting
2. Make migration to another server can be painful
If you started your blog on a free blog platform, at one point you will feel the need to migrate to a self-hosted platform. The reason is that it can allow you to have more control and you really own your blog.
Now this can be a complicated and painful process if you have this free blog for a long time because you will have many pages of links to point to a new address.
I urge you to migrate to Bluehost to have your own domain name + hosting, and use wordpress.org platform for blogging.
3. This takes regular work (and sales can distract)
We heard all alone how passive income through the internet. But what I think is that people often not understand is that generate passive income takes work. It takes work to make every effort, and that takes staff to develop everything.
To give an example, it could be that I wake up and that looking at my emails I see some notifications sales affiliations. It is tempting to see it and think: “Cool I won so many dollars today, I’m going to play football or tennis.” But in fact, as soon as you start doing that, your passive income begin to decline.
Keep this in mind:
“Do not judge each day stage to the harvesting you’re doing, but the seeds you sow.” Robert Louis Stevenson.
This is a quote that I will try to apply this year. Develop my blog and help people.
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4. Distractions can take on the appearance of knowledge
Last month I read an article, “Why should you not read blogs.” This had been confusion among readers as they read the article. Sure a blog and wondered if they were to really stop.
The writer said that reading blogs became a great source of distraction. It was like going to the distraction of knowledge. He always said I have to know this thing.
Unless this is your job, you do not have to know everything about the technology of smart phones or the latest changes on social networks like Facebook.
Take a little time to read these things, but do not spend your life on it.
5. Differentiate and be heard is important
As we already know, every day there is a nearly 100K blog that is created. And if you want to distinguish yourself you have to have a strong brand.
And part of your brand is to be heard. Our means of communication is mainly written and so if you want people to interact with you then you must be worthwhile for them to listen.
I try to find my “voice.” I work on it every time I write. I want to get away from the typical scenario “courses” and pretend I was discussing blogging with my pals.
6. This is the same as managing a business
If you make blogging a work at home you need to manage like any business. That is to say, do marketing, sales, accounting, security and all the other things little changes to do.
Of course, you can get help if you are not strong on certain points. After all, you should just concentrate on writing and developing your business.
But it is very important to realize that in fact, you should see pro treat blogging as if it were a business.
Take it seriously if that is what allows you to feed your family.
Complete SEO Checklist To Rank 1st In Google
7. You are responsible for hundreds of people
When your audience starts to grow and you have more than 500 or a thousand visitors a day, you start to feel the Stress rising gradually.
You can have that feeling of hypersensitivity before publishing an article. Once again this can be a sign of stress but most often it’s because you worked for two days on an important item and you do not want hundreds or thousands of people are disillusions.
The real responsibility, however, is to yourself. If you go out to drink instead of publishing a new article then you can only blame yourself. If you sleep instead of working, like. When you work for yourself you need to find your motivation.
8. Stress and depression stalking you (this one fears)
Some people must think that working at home is similar to coffee, lunch and tennis and afternoon movies. Of course, you can, but as I mentioned you will not hold long.
In fact working for itself is rather spend nights trying to solve problems, hours scratching their heads to find ideas for creative campaigns, did not even eat because you were too busy.
And what can happen if you are not careful, then you can start to become stressed and anxious without even knowing it. Here are some signs:
- Insomnia : If you can’t close your eyes & fall asleep this is because you are thinking to work ideas then you have a good chance of being stressed.
- Weight Loss / Weight Gain : If you eat too much or not enough and it is not due to work when you drag to a path leading to a large stress can be very hard to trace.
- Relationship problems : Your girlfriend-boyfriends, your husband or wife knows you well. If they start to growl a bit because you cram into your work or if they tell you that you have changed so pay attention to this.
This may seem insignificant but once this type of dirty tensions catches you it can be difficult to resolve. Think of the iceberg that sank the Titanic. Stress is like that. You only notice a small amount on the surface but there are much more things underneath that can cause these problems.
How Professional Blogging is Different from Hobby Blogging
9. Great People
There is something that is really important to know is that 99% of people that you will meet through your are real people. This can be a great source of energy and inspiration.
With your blog, you can discuss with your readers, and even watch them true by offering appointment if you do not live far away.
If you work hard to help your readers who will give you support.
Try to answer up to comments.
Tricks to manage it
The best things to do, now that you are aware of this is to begin to put some strategies in place to mitigate any little thing.
Here are a few tips that may help:
- Expand your list of emails in over 500 subscribers: your email list is your protection against updates to Google. Focus on you.
- Create a blog on WordPress, I recommend all bloggers who want to start seriously to host their WordPress blog and choose a good domain name.
- Establish daily tasks: These are tasks that you should stick to it. Only work when even all night. Do not check your emails at midnight. It’s not very good for your brain
- Do exercises: studies show the need to exercise to stay healthy. Walk a little, do some jogging etc …
- Find a software or an application to organize: I use Evernote to organize myself. I can store what I need. And I also use it as a reminder.
Ok, What you has to say?
As usual, this is just the beginning of a small list of things to start a conversation. So you have to add things you can comment below. Feel free to share.
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